Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Electoral Process Through the Eyes of a Nine Month Old

I went and voted with my mommy and daddy today. I wore my Conservative Cutie shirt and they even gave me a sticker.
There were some candidates (no names mentioned) that I made this face at:
This is Belle's new "stink-eye" and I have been trying to get a picture of.

There were other candidate who got my smiles and applause.

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Anonymous said...

"And when I went to everyone's voting booth and pushed the button for McCain, the attendant made my Mommy and Daddy leave. I gave him one of my special surprise diapers!"

Courtney said...

She is so precious, Rachel! And I love her shirt :-)

Anonymous said...
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The Gernand Family said...

I LOVE Belle's shirt and that stink eye is TO DIE FOR!!! What a gorgeous girl you have, Rachel. So much personality. ;)