Supplies Needed:
Frame, Mirror or Plywood
Chalkboard Paint (This can be found at a craft store and can be found in spray paint or tub form. The spray paint is always black or green and the tub form comes in lots of different colors.)
Painters Tape
Roller paintbrush (if using tub of paint)
Exacto Knife or sharp edge
I found this frame on sale at Jo-Anns for 50% off. It was $25 with a discount.
Next, paint the first coat of paint on. It will look VERY thin and seem like it is not working "right". If using spray paint, follow directions on the can. Let this dry for 45 mins to an hour.
Paint as many coats of paint as needed until you are satisfied with the coverage. I found on my frame if I turned the printed paper over underneath the frame to make the background solid it looked MUCH better. I ended up doing 4 coats of paint and only used half a tub of colored chalkboard paint.
Once you are satisfied with the coverage of paint allow it to dry overnight. Next take an exacto knife or sharp edge and run it around the entire edge of your frame/mirror. Then remove the tape slowly. After the tape is removed, use the side of a piece of chalk to rub all over the chalkboard. This primes the chalkboard. Wipe all the chalk off and it is normal if some of the color of the paint is on your towel with the chalk - do not rub vigorously though.
Very cute! I might just have to try one.
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